Sunday 28 September 2014

Saints drown late charge by Bath to win

Saints stopped Bath having the chance to receive a win from their last charge. The Saints day included: 4 tries, 4 Conversions and a penalty to secure the victory over the Leaders of the table, Bath.
A Penalty try kicked the day off, which was followed by tries from Calum Clark, Christian Day and George Pisi which rounded the game up.
Before the game started, a spine-tingling minute applause for the 13 year old, Northampton boy, Luis Ghaut who sadly died of Cancer this week. Luis was a huge part of Northampton Saints players and fans lives, who were determined to go out and win for Luis.
Saints applied pressure from the offset which made Bath's player number 15, Arscott to make a mistake, ending up with a yellow card for a deliberate knock on. Seconds later, Wigglesworth blew his whistle under the post for a penalty try. Swiftly, being converted by Myler.  Saints continued to demand in every aspect of the game, and were comfortably in the lead. This showed when George Pisi thundered through the middle and Saints sent the ball quickly to the right for Calum Clark to score. Myler stroke the ball over the post for a sensational lead of 14-0 in the first 15 minutes. 
With Arscott returning from the sin bin, Bath showed determination - putting the ball over the tryline by Wilson and Ford converting. The hunt for the win was on. Saints were soon putting more pressure on in the scrum, which helped us gain another three points by Myler kicking over for a penalty.
Bath were not giving up. Ford boots over a penalty for George Pisi not rolling away - making the score 17-10.
Both sides were looking strong and a win was not in the bag for Saints yet, Myler missing his first penalty of the day, laid even more pressure onto Saints to keep Bath from scoring.
The second half kicked off with the same intensity as the first, Fisher broke through, shaking off Bath defence and gave the ball to Foden who helped break through more of Bath's defence. A late pass gave the ball to Day who was sent over the line to score a try for Saints. A tricky conversion scored beautifully by Myler. A win looked admiment to Saints, although, a late try by Woodburn gave his side late hope for the victory.  
A driving maul by Bath gave them a penalty, kicked over by Ford put them only seven point between Saints. TMO denied a last chance win for Bath. Saints stayed strong all game.
Franklin's Gardens roared when the final whistle went. They had beaten the Leaders of the Premiership. 
Man of the Match: Dylan Hartley (captain) 

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