Wednesday 3 September 2014

Preview to Gloucester and the season

It feels like only a few weeks since we won the Amlin and Premiership but the new season has arrived (Finally!)

First Game Gloucester, some certain controversy hangs over this game. Last year Away at Gloucester a last minute penalty sealed the win for Gloucester but if we look at the positives we really saw what George North could do when he put his rockets on and we came out that game with the famous phrase

'' Made in Wales, finished in Northampton''

That try was easily one of my favourite premiership tries from last year ( and of course Tom Woods monster of a try in the semis!)

So to look forward to in this season to come is many more beautifully executed tries ,some hard hitting tackles (probably Samu Manoa and Courtney Lawes, I can always count on them!) and then maybe a trophy or two at the end of it?

It was announced a few days ago that Wayne Barnes is our ref. I'm not going to say too much about this but let's hope that there will be no controversy (like stopping the game 9 seconds early!) A nice clean game of rugby with the best team winning at the end of it.

Finally, to everyone who is going to any away games this year, Have a safe journey and get those singing voices on!

All together now Oooohhhh wheennnnn the Sainnnttttssss....

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