Wednesday 13 August 2014

Reminiscing about the open day 2013...

As the next open day starts to arrive, I started to think of last year's successes with the Open day set up.
Every single person at that day saw a totally different side to the players. Players came up to you and chatted just like your friends would. I was completely shocked knowing a Saints player has just come directly up to me and chat.

This brings me onto the general attitude of all rugby players across the world. On my travels to rugby grounds around the UK, I have never had a bad experience meeting a player, whether it is a saints member or in fact any player of another team. Even if they had lost they would always give you a second for a photo or autograph. Personally, my favourite player to meet outside Saints would be Marland Yarde. His team, at the time, London Irish had just had a heavily defeat but Marland Yarde took time out of his day to ask how I was and how I enjoyed the game! This conversation went on for about 5 minutes which I am truly grateful for.

We look at high profile sports people like footballers and automatically think no sports player would give us a time of day but the world needs to take a step back and look at rugby player's attitude towards their fans.

I am thankful our players are like this and I hope this continues into the far future.  

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