Saturday 30 August 2014

Just another Saints fan who sits in Lower Block M

So incredibly this is my fifth season at Saints. I know that doesn't sound long to some of you veterans but to me it only feels like only yesterday I went into Franklins Gardens, not having a clue with what the egg shaped ball they were throwing about was. I'm glad I do now.
I started my season ticket days in the Churches stand then moved to the Burrda Stand for a change of scenery.  So if you want to come and say hi come see me! (I basically sit on the T of saints.)
Over the time of me being a Saints fan it has taken me to some amazing places and I can proudly say I saw Jamie Elliott score that intercept try right in front of me against Leinster in Ireland. I think this was easily, my favourite away game I've been to and simply, my favourite home game has to be Saints V Tigers at the end of the 2013/14 season. Simply because it gives me Goosebumps, especially Tom Woods Try! I've never heard Franklins Gardens so loud!
I can truly say I have enjoyed every second at Saints. Ok, maybe not every second - the only bit I hated was when Wayne Barnes stopped the game early. Yes, I know that was a horrifying game. Sorry for making you remember (Just remember we did beat tigers a few months later if that helps!)
But throughout the years I have seen, just like you lot, a lot of talent come and go. However, these past few years I see our squad gaining strength with every game. I see them winning that premiership trophy again this year. With our backing, the team can do it once again, so let's get those singing voices out and start practising for the start of the season (which is next week!!!!!!!) .... You may not know but I am highly excited for that.
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has simply read my blog or commented. It means a lot, I hope you stay with me all season and go through the up and downs (hopefully not too many downs) together.

So see you at twickers on the 30th of May 2015 'ey? 

Friday 29 August 2014

First step 1: Forever

As our preseason games come to a very successful end, we then turn ourselves onto looking at the very exciting season which approaches.
As a Saints fan I know there won't be an easy, straight road but we will find a way to make this road as straight as possible.
I'm excited to see the team grow and grow as the season goes on, just like they do every year. It will definitely be hard to match last year's standard, but I'm sure the boys are hungry for those trophies again! I sure am! 
So I'm ready for what's in store, are you?
It's our time once again.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Reminiscing about the open day 2013...

As the next open day starts to arrive, I started to think of last year's successes with the Open day set up.
Every single person at that day saw a totally different side to the players. Players came up to you and chatted just like your friends would. I was completely shocked knowing a Saints player has just come directly up to me and chat.

This brings me onto the general attitude of all rugby players across the world. On my travels to rugby grounds around the UK, I have never had a bad experience meeting a player, whether it is a saints member or in fact any player of another team. Even if they had lost they would always give you a second for a photo or autograph. Personally, my favourite player to meet outside Saints would be Marland Yarde. His team, at the time, London Irish had just had a heavily defeat but Marland Yarde took time out of his day to ask how I was and how I enjoyed the game! This conversation went on for about 5 minutes which I am truly grateful for.

We look at high profile sports people like footballers and automatically think no sports player would give us a time of day but the world needs to take a step back and look at rugby player's attitude towards their fans.

I am thankful our players are like this and I hope this continues into the far future.  

Sunday 10 August 2014

Lu15 fundraising

Luis Ghaut. A teenager who is close to many Saints fans and infact players hearts too. This young lad is so brave and truly inspirational.
Being diagnosed with Osteoscarcoma just after his 12th birthday, he's been going in and out of hospital but also managing to raise over £35,000! This amount is still rising. He puts on events to raise these funds, these events are from anything like Golf days and abseiling!
I look forward to seeing Luis more and more at Saints with more and more money raised.

To find out more about Luis follow his twitter account at @Lu15fundraising
or to give donations please visit and give generously.

Thank you Luis. You have inspired many people, including me.
So please carry on what you are doing and I hope all the best for you in the future.

Let the season commence

Waiting all summer for the season to begin feels like a lifetime but its finally fast approaching.

Coming into the new season double champions is a magnificence feeling. Like many, I have faith in Saints to do it again this year but remember the team needs you to back them at ALL times. There is no excuse! 

Finally, I would like to say enjoy every game this year brings, cheer the team home and away. Have a safe journey whilst touring with the Saints. 

Let the Season Commence.